Fed 2 Wood (B)

Captain Stephen Page April 23rd Home-Against-East Bergholt Herons 30th Home-Against-Waldringfield May 7th Home-Against-Capel Kites 14th Away-Against-Kesgrave Blues 21st BYE June 4th Away-Against-East of England COOP B 11th Home-Against-Bealings Red 18th Away-Against-East Bergholt Herons 25th Away-Against-Waldringfield July 2nd Away-Against-Capel Kites 9th Home-Against-Kesgrave Blues 16th BYE 23rd Home-Against-East of England COOP B Read more…

Fed 2 Wood (A)

Captain David Moore April 30th Home-Against-IBC Graham Road May 7th Away-Against-Bramford B 14 BYE 21st Away-Against-Bealings Blue 28th Away-Against-California June 4th Home-Against-Felixstowe and Suffolk 11th Away-Against-Holbrook 18th Home-Against-California 25th Away-Against-IBC Graham Road July 2nd Home-Against-Bramford B 9th BYE 16th Home-Against-Bealings Blue 23rd Away-Against-Felixstowe and Suffolk 30th Home-Against-Holbrook